Monday, December 6, 2010


Me and a group of 5 planned out how and what we will be presenting tomorrow during 1st period. Tomorrow hopefully we will have the stuff ready for our presentation


Forgot to mention that me and a few other people went around chalking the school up, trying to raise the awareness of operation gratitude. as i watched from a distance the people past by like there was nothing underneath them, but then you had the ones who stood there reading, not everyone will be aware with chalk but its a start

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Operation Gratitude

Today i started a poster to put around the school. im really excited for this project. Tomrrow hopefully i can make more posters with better ideas.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Medal of Honor for Bravery in Afghanistan

This is about a soldier who stepped in enemy fire to protect his friends.
My video could relate to this showing how dangerous it is to be a soldier .

Monday, November 1, 2010

Political comercial.

This is Sean's Duffy trying to get people to notice him by realizing that America is in a bad condition its "spinning " out of control. haha! i picked this because its different its funny it captures my attention with humor but it also tells you what he thinks and its kinda true. It trying to say that the Government and our economy is all ruined, and people are having to deal with it like kids and seniors.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Teacher interview.

1. My impact personally or academically? I would like to think that I prepare the students to take psych or soc in college and do well in the classes. Many students come back and tell me they already knew a lot of the info so I guess that is good. Personally, I would like to think I impact the school in a positive way, set a good example, etc

2. No, the school wastes a ton of money. For example, last yr they installed those stupid card locks on all the classroom doors. Not needed and a waste of money.

3. Grad requirements are ok.

4. The school can improve by doing something about the teachers that just show videos everyday like "The Office" When you have a few teachers like that that don't really hold the students accountable it makes it difficult for the rest of us. Also, enforcment of discipline is an issue schoolwide. Every teacher does their own thing because there is no set policy.

5. No, many new teachers are very good and I can think of several that have seniority that need to go. Admin needs to step up their evaluations and base things are actually teaching that they see taking place....not just test scores and not just seniority.

6. No Child Left Behind is terrible, too much emphasis on test scores. I can get a good test score but have I really learned anything?

7. Teachers should be evaluated every year and something should be done with teachers that have consistently poor evaluations. Evalations however, should not be based only on test scores because then certain poor teachers will just teach to the test so they look like a good teacher. I see it happening already just with the benchmark tests.

8. Money can be helpful if spent wisely. Usually extra money just seems to be wasted for the most part.

9. Well, ideally a smaller class size is more effective but I have a class of 43 this semester and they are all
doing great. I would say it dependes on the student, the teacher, the class environment, the subject, etc.

10. No, tests are only a small portion of what somebody actually teaches or what the student learns. I say this knowing that my test scores are usually in the higher group than others. Testing is important but not the MOST important indicator of what someone has learned.

The questions.
1. What do you think your impact is to this school.

2.Do you think the school spends its money wisely

3.Do you think the school should be stricter with graduation requirements.

4..Is there any specific way you think the school can improve.

5.Do you think seniority is a good criteria for cutting teachers?

6.How do you feel about "no child behind"

7.In your opinion how do you think teachers should be evaluated.

8.Do you think money is the answer?

9.Do you think the amount of kids in a classroom positively or negatively affects a students learning ability? and why?

10.Do you think the standardizing testing reflects you as a teacher.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Debate response

Clearly our class had strong opinions on both side with good information but also with good use of their emotions and experience. Coming into class knowing the side i was on that i was with the SB 1070, i came out of class wondering, i had to think about it, the topics the class brought up made me think differently for both ways. Being to shy didn't allow me to speak up, but while i was called on to talk i let out my feelings towards what I think  whats bothers most Americans. I am glad i took part of this conversation in the class because it allows me to feel the emotions from both sides its like a different experience.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

"Hurricane Igor Heading Toward Bermuda "

Hurricane Igor heading straight toward Bermuda. The island is expecting a "direct hit". Everyone is getting prepared trying to lower the damage that will hit soon.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

O'Donnell's big win in Delaware sends message to GOP establishment

The Tea Party has been showing up the republicans, taking out GOP's strong prospect, they are giving out the message to the Republicans "You are not in charge". They are doing this "To is about changing  the system" -Christine O'Donnll